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CSM: 6 examples of sales challenges

Discover 6 examples of CSM sales challenges, and adapt them to the specific needs of your organization to create an impact on your sales performance!

Antoine Fort
CEO @Qobra

May 29, 2024

We offer a wide range of sales reps challenges, designed to boost sales team engagement and achieve specific objectives. These sample challenges are ready-made solutions but can be customized and tailored to the particular needs of each business.

Crucially, each sales challenge presented here can be adapted to different sales roles, such as SDRs or Sales. Each challenge has specific objectives: strengthening team commitment, achieving sales targets, increasing sales, or supporting the launch of new products or services. In addition, Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) are included to measure the impact of each challenge, with recommended timescales for effective implementation.

These challenges go beyond simple internal competitions; they also represent innovative strategies for improving collaboration, strengthening team spirit, and celebrating individual and collective success. By adopting these models, CSM teams are encouraged to excel while fostering a dynamic and motivating work environment.

Discover 6 examples of sales reps, and adapt them to the specific needs of your organization in order to maximize their effectiveness and have a significant impact on your sales performance!

1. NBA Trophy


  • Improving the commitment of the CSM team
  • Achieving the CSM objective
  • Renew as many contracts as possible
  • Increase additional and/or supplementary sales

How it works

Group challenge : 

  • Reward the CSM team as a whole or the best team in the organization (by account size and/or by geographical sector), depending on the size and wishes of the company, with the "NBA Trophy" prize.

Individual challenges :

  • Reward the best CSM (by account size and/or geographical sector) according to the company's size and wishes with the "MVP" prize.
  • Rewarding the best Manager(s) (by account size and/or by geographical sector) according to the size and wishes of the company with the "Coach of the Year" award.


  • Rate of contracts renewed (weighting: 70%)
  • Sales generated by additional and/or supplementary sales (weighting: 30%)


  • 1 term, 1 semester, or 1 year

2. Connect 4


  • Improving the commitment of the CSM team
  • Achieving the CSM objective
  • Renew as many contracts as possible
  • Increase additional and/or supplementary sales

How it works

Each CSM has the right to play one or more tokens:

  • 1 extra and/or additional sale: 1 token
  • 1 contract renewal: 2 tokens

Group challenge : 

  • Reward the first team in the sales rep organization to achieve Power 4. Depending on the company's wishes, the challenge can be repeated for 1 week or 1 month and reward the team that has won the most rounds.

Individual challenge :

  • Reward the CSM who has played the most chips.


  • Number of contracts renewed
  • Number of additional and/or supplementary sales


  • 1 week to 1 month

3. Money calls to money


  • Supporting the launch of a new product or service
  • Improving the knowledge and skills of the CSM team
  • Achieving the CSM objective
  • Increase sales

How it works

Following the launch of a new product and/or service and training on it, each CSM must arrange Meetings with its customers to present it to them.

The best CSM with the best conversion rate from calls to Meetings wins the SPIFF sales rep challenge. To avoid any cheating and to ensure fairness between the CSM|AMs, each CSM must make a minimum number of calls to take part in the SPIFF. Of course, only calls that are answered count.


  • Number of calls
  • Conversion rate from call to Meetings


  • 1 week to 1 month

4. Off to a flying start


  • Supporting the launch of a new product or service
  • Improve the knowledge and skills of the CSM team
  • Increase sales

How it works

For the launch of a new product and/or service, the CSM teams will have 1 week of training, 1 week of practice, and 1 week of hands-on experience.

Group challenge : 

  • During the simulation week, if the CSM team obtains X Meetings (defined beforehand) to present the new product and/or service to customers, the team wins a collective prize. (Allow 70% to 80% of the overall budget for the reward).

Individual challenge :

  • Reward the three best CSM|AMs, i.e. with the most Meetings. Allocate the remaining budget: 50% to the 1st, 30% to the 2nd, and 20% to the 3rd.


  • Number of Meetings held to present the new product and/or service


  • 3 weeks

5. The test of continuity


  • Improving the commitment of the CSM team
  • Achieving the CSM target
  • Increase sales

How it works

The aim is to reward the regularity of CSM|AMs for over a quarter. To begin with, you need to select one or more of the indicators on which they are assessed monthly (e.g. retention rate, turnover generated by additional and/or supplementary sales, etc.).

Group challenge : 

  • Reward if the objective or objectives have been achieved at the team level for three months.

Individual challenge :

  • Reward for CSM|AMs who achieve the target(s) set for 3 months in a row.


  • Retention rate
  • Sales generated by additional and/or supplementary sales
  • And so on.


  • 3 months

6. Model student


  • Improving the commitment of the CSM team
  • Improving the knowledge and skills of the CSM team

How it works

Firstly, the CSM team needs to be split into several teams (by account size, industry, randomly, fairly, etc.). Then, the challenge consists of collecting the opinions of as many customers as possible over a given period. A minimum number of opinions may be required to be eligible for the challenge.

This opinion is measured by a rating system ranging from 1 to 5 (Not at all satisfied to Very satisfied) on an internal tool or a dedicated platform (Trustpilot, Avis Vérifiés, G2, Capterra, etc.). Then, quite simply, the points are tallied as follows: 

  • 1/5 = 1 point
  • 2/5 = 2 points
  • 3/5 = 3 points
  • 4/5 = 4 points
  • 5/5 = 5 points

Group challenge : 

  • The collective reward for the CSM team with the most points for the month.

Individual challenge :

  • Individual awards for the three CSM|AMs with the most points for the month.


  • Customer reviews


  • 1 month
SPIFFs and Sales challenges: The ultimate playbook


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